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Building Success - One Panel at a Time



Engineering & Design

Panel Steel Buildings are manufactured in fully integrated Plants where practically all components are designed, engineered and fabricated under the supervision of some of the most experienced engineering staff in the industry. Our engineering staff alone has over 50 years experience in pre-engineered buildings and are Engineer Certificated in all 50 states and most Canadian providences. This provides you with the ability to receive the most complex buildings, completely designed, engineered, manufactured and delivered directly to your job site.

Competition: Many competitors are brokers who do not have equipment and simply purchase components to make steel buildings from many different suppliers and then sell steel building parts that have not been engineered These “shops” also do not oversee the design, engineering and fabrication of the entire building, but purchase all other items required to produce your building from outside steel suppliers and usually have these components shipped by the supplier to you with out ever checking the quality or quantity.

Building Collapse Due to Snow or Wind Loads

The Engineered design has a “safety” factor designed into the strength of the buildings for snow and wind load that usually exceeds the minimum allowed design by 5-20%. This additional strength may cost more but gives you the peace of mind that your main structural support was not designed to the lowest possible minimum and as a result allows for a point load of approximately 500 of temporary lift when not under a snow or wind load stress.

Competition: Many competitors design the building to the lowest possible minimums and some do not have them fabricated to any specific design loads at all. Others simply put into your contract that the owner is responsible for re-moving any snow from the roof which could allow them to not design the building for any snow load at all since you would be responsible for climbing up on the roof and shoveling the snow off. (See photo at right)

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Panel Steel Buildings, Inc.
World Headquarters
7076 S. Alton Way - Bld G2
Englewood, CO 80112
Email: CustomerCare@PanelSteelBuildings.com

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